Blogger's Confession

The Plunge

I think it is my perception of the common blog and its author that has prevented me from ever making the leap to create one. I’ve never really grasped the concept of following another human’s day-to-day. Twitter fans are going to lose their cool on this one. It’s a bit like devoting yourself to the E Channel’s True Hollywood Story. But in this case the subject is not Mike Tyson who, at the very least provides a few laughs. Rather than someone who has proved their celebrity status by winning a rigged idols season or providing the world with a sex-tape (full marks), people today are actually logging on to hear what random folk have had for breakfast. Honestly now, no offence twitter fans.

So where is the motive in starting one of these dreaded things and becoming part of the stereotype? Is there a greedy demand from my fans (zero), or some cult seeking my opinion on life (I hope so)? Perhaps to provide inspiration to the masses? To bring my light where there was once only darkness?

I think not.

I have always written, in one way or another. But as brain cells have submitted to the relentless doses of cane+cream soda over the years, the product of my writing habits has become limited to a couple of journals. Most notably of these is the Spud book, which holds enough evidence to put away most of the Stellenbosch class of 2005-2009. Shauno watch your back.

I’d like to think that this blog is, for the most part an extension of that book. A record of good times, places that I have been lucky enough to visit and people that have changed my life.
If you’re looking for a travel guide then Matt Sterne’s blog is the business. It’s tough to compete with a character that will probably be travelling for the rest of his life. Other than that Claire Carson has her moments so check hers out. Both blogs have links from this one which I have cleverly hidden to force you to look through mine before finding greener pastures.


Disclaimer: Names of people and places have been changed on occasion, when they were originally boring.